Historical Sites

Historical sites are some of our favorite destinations, and we visit many of them.  

Posts in this category include guides to and stories of historical sites from around the world, based on actual visits.  

Lighthouses on the Oregon Coast Reveal the State’s Maritime Past

Lighthouses stand sentinel on rugged coasts, helping ships navigate the dangerous cliffs, reefs, and rocks. They served as a beacon for navigation, marking dangers close to shore. They each had their own signature flash, acting as a GPS, helping sailors understand their location. Imagine being a traveler in the 1800s. To reach faraway lands, you

Lighthouses on the Oregon Coast Reveal the State’s Maritime Past Read More »

Turda Salt Mine: Visit An Underground Amusement Park and Museum in Transylvania

In the vicinity of the Turda Gorge, one of the most dramatic landscapes in Transylvania, you’ll find underground the the old Turda Salt Mine. Dating from 1075, the mine was used to bring salt from the depths of the earth until the middle of 19th century. If you visit it now, you’ll find a unique

Turda Salt Mine: Visit An Underground Amusement Park and Museum in Transylvania Read More »

Magyarózd Castle: Secrets Of History in Transylvania’s Countryside

The tiny Castle of Magyarózd is not one of the better-known castles in Transylvania. Chances are, most people who live in its vicinity don’t know about its existence. I know I didn’t while growing up in Ludus, the closest town. I don’t remember even hearing about it as a child, and certainly I haven’t visited

Magyarózd Castle: Secrets Of History in Transylvania’s Countryside Read More »

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