Thank you for choosing Wanderer Writes as a possible home for your travel related article.
If you have an article that relates to travel, and fits the site, I’ll be happy to publish it
I’d love to help new writers gain some of their first bylines, and I absolutely would love to publish posts from travel bloggers whose writing I admire with a link (or several) to their own site.
However, Guest Posts Are Not Paid on Wanderer Writes (yet)
Unfortunately, I can’t pay contributors at this time, though I’d love to; I don’t think writers should work for free. But I am not making money off the site, so I have no budget for guest posts. If this ever changes, I’ll be happy to pay my contributors (and I’d go back and pay my first contributors, too).
In the meantime, I can publish your posts, as long as they are relevant to my site. You will be the author of the article, and I will publish a short bio for you, and add a link to your homepage. If you are a blogger, you can add a link to a relevant, but non-competing article from your own site anchored in the text.
Please understand that your post will be edited for clarity, and correct grammar (in American English).
A Few Things To Keep In Mind:
1. Content
Please familiarize yourself with my content and send only pitches (or already written articles if you prefer) that are relevant to the site.
Accepted/welcome subjects:
I welcome pitches or full articles about sustainable travel, nature preserves or other sites highlighting nature, National Parks, archaeological sites, castles and citadels, and road trips.
I accept informational content, in the form of destination guides, personal travel stories, roundup articles about destinations that have something in common, or other articles that are generally written about travel to inform or entertain.
My main focus is on nature sites, cultural and archaeological sites, and off-the-beaten track destinations from around the world. I accept posts about any country, although at this time my main focus is on the US, Canada, Mexico, and Europe. Only because I already have some posts about these destinations I can link to.
Not accepted/Please do not send:
Please do not send pitches about cruises and luxury travel.Since it is not something I am interested in, I will not read or answer any pitches about these two subjects.
I often tend to speak out against cruises, since I learned they hurt the environment, so I can not publish anything that actually supports them. Luxury travel is not something I support or ever write about either – I feel it is excess and as such, it also hurts the environment and local communities.
2. Article length and style
Posts should be at least 800 words, though I prefer them around 1,200 on the low end. You can go as high as 2,500 or even more if you’d like.
First person narrative and third person are both acceptable. I love personal travel stories, as long as they are not simple journal entries, like a list of what you did during a trip.
Since the rest of my site is written in American English, this is my preference. However, if you use British English, as long as it is grammatically correct, I will keep the original, but add the American term to words used differently (if you could do that for me, I’d appreciate it, but I don’t mind adding this).
This should go without saying, but I need to mention it anyway: posts need to use correct English grammar and spelling. I will correct a typo or two, but if your article needs too much editing, I won’t have time for it, so I won’t be able to accept it.
An exception to this rule is if English is not your first language, and I fall in love with your article. Also, if your first language is Hungarian, feel free to send me the article in Hungarian. I will be happy to translate it, and even post it in both languages. (I have a Hungarian version of the site, though I published very few articles on it so far).
3. Photos
Please include at least three relevant photos, with descriptions and credits. Photos should be your own, and feel free to add a watermark to them. Please keep them at or under 1200px wide.
4. Rights
Contributed articles need to be original at the time of publication. This means you have not published them anywhere else on the web. You agree to not republish it for at least four weeks anywhere else. After four weeks, you are free to republish it, in part or in full, as long as you mention that it was first published on Wanderer Writes and you add a link back to the original article.
5. Social media sharing
Once published, please share the article on your social media channels.
And please let me know where you shared it. I would also appreciate it if you shared another article or two from the site not written by you.
In turn, I will share the article on all my channels, along with a relating article or two from your own site.
6. Where to Send Your Pitches
Send relevant pitches to and write Contributor Pitch in the subject line.
You can send either pitches or fully written articles. For full articles, you can paste it in the body of the email, or send it as a Word document. If you send a pitch and I approve it, you can share it in Google docs, where you can see the edits if they are needed, and you can approve them before publishing.
What you get out of this deal:
You’ll have your own byline and an author’s bio with a photo and a link to your own site’s home page (if you have one) at the end of the article. This makes it a good addition to your writer’s portfolio.
If you are a blogger with your own site, you can include a link to a relevant, but non-competing post from your site in your article, besides the link to your main site.
Following these guidelines will ensure that I will read your pitch (or full article) and answer it. But please wait at least a week before sending me a reminder. If I can’t accept it, I will give you a reason, or ask you to revise.
Thank you for considering Wanderer Writes as your outlet. Hope to see and publish your article.
Wishing you a great day, and good luck with your writing,